All the latest LGU Africa news: news, tickets, tips, tutorials, trends, events and more. All there is to know is here.

In construction, earthworks are unavoidable. If building is a lifetime project, earthwork doing is the…

A brand new, fully equipped training center has just opened in Abidjan. It is the…

The building sector is an indisputable lever for any society development. It brings together trades…

At one point or another in our lives, most of us go through the house-visiting…

Have you set your sights on a house for sale? Don’t get carried away too…

The house: a living environment that goes hand in hand with pleasure and rest, tranquility…

How many pass in front of a building site without noticing the presence of these…

That’s it! You will finally realize your construction dream. Well done !!! Go for it,…

Building a house means investing time, energy and money. When you engage in it, it…