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Why create a website for your company

Should this question still be asked today? Aren’t the reasons obvious? For some, this question does not deserve attention in a world where everything around us becomes more and more connected. It would be like asking why have a phone today. And yet, many companies do not have websites, often not worried about return on investment, lack of will or time, or simply for lack of information.

But it is no longer to be demonstrated today that a company’s marketing strategy has a strong impact on its performance. Combined with the web, this strategy will only increase the visibility, notoriety and therefore turnover of your company.

Here are 5 fundamental reasons why to create a website for his company.

Let’s first understand: what is a website?

A website is above all a powerful means of communication. It comes in the form of a set of resources (web pages, documents, music, videos and other content) that can be accessed from an internet browser (Google chrome, Mozilla firefox, Safari, Internet explorer…) through a web address or URL(Understanding the concept of URL on Wikipedia). These resources are linked together by links that allow us to move from one to the other. A website is stored on a web server usually accessible by the global internet network.

There are several types of websites: showcases, personal, portals, institutions, events, e-commerce, catalogs, collaborations, blogs, intranets and many others…

It is up to a company or individual to make the right choice to create a website based on their needs, activities, target and budget.

5 good reasons to create a website for your company

Increase your visibility

Do you know what web trends are saying in 2019?

  • More than 70,000 searches every second on Google.
  • 4.5 billion Internet users worldwide, or more than 58 percent of the world’s population (521.6 million users in Africa alone).
  • 45 percent of Internet users bought a product online in 2018.
  • Every day, 1 million people have become Internet users in 2018.
  • On average, an Internet user spends 6 hours 42′ a day on the internet.

And these numbers will only increase in the coming years as expected. Another surprising trend is that the Internet is on the verge of outperforming television, which has previously been considered the most widely used medium. So how can we do without it today and be able to make known our brand, offers, services or products? It would be very difficult if the company’s objective is to grow, export and increase its turnover.

Having a website for your business means making people talk about yourself, being found easily, exploring new markets and finding new opportunities.

Stand out from the competition

A company is only competitive if it is constantly evolving and innovating in its industry. In addition to bringing you all this thanks to its features, its design, ergonomics and many other aspects, a website will allow you to convey your image and establish your reputation. This will allow you to attract more customers, create a more direct link with them, gather their opinions and suggestions, which will help you improve. Then you will gain credibility and take a logical advantage over your competitors.

Be open 24/7

Your offices close at 6:00? Day and night, your website, which is now your showcase, is instantly accessible anywhere in the world. Even when you or your employees are asleep, they are able to interact with a visitor or convert them into customers, maintain relationships, expand your customer database, win markets, sell your products and even take professional appointments. Like an employee or a virtual collaborator, your website continuously looks after your interests while saving you money.

Saving money

Why create a website for your business - Save money

By investing in the creation of a website for your business,you will quickly realize that you have chosen the best marketing tool in terms of value for money. First, you reach a large audience without spending as much as for a television communication for example. Then, to change your offers, communicate on news or make announcements, you will not need to take back your communication media as is the case of print media (prospectus and other) or even radio and television advertisements.Infographics or simple emailing campaign might be enough. Moreover, the more time passes, the more your site will improve according to your development strategy. Its value will therefore increase and it will earn you much more than it cost. Your website is therefore your best marketing investment.

Last in time

At some point, a business may experience difficulties. From his ability to react effectively and promptly to problems will come his salvation. Unfortunately, many companies fall in these turbulent times, especially in Africa where the gloom of the socio-economic context and the hegemony of large companies do not promote the entrepreneurial environment. In an ever-changing world, a company that does not know how to adapt to new consumption patterns will suffocate very quickly. You’ve probably heard of Y Generation, these young people born practically with a smartphone in their hand and who swear by digital. At the origin of a profound change in traditional buying and consumption habits, they force companies to rethink their marketing strategy in order to meet their expectations. To survive in this universe, the corporate website coupled with social networks proves essential. It will help you understand the needs of current customers and prospects, customize your services to build customer loyalty and practice a dynamic pricing policy. Without this approach, you will soon be dumped by technology and will be left to your fate: disappear.

To conclude

As a fledgling or established company, it will be very difficult for you to move from digital marketing channels to the digital age we live in. Creating a website for your business will allow you to gain visibility and credibility, stand out from the competition, save time and money and last over time. Your website will certainly come at a cost, but you will soon realize that instead of an expense, you have made an investment.

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